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My heart - a song

I hate to see the love that goes dead in your eyes.
No one knows, no one sees, how could I describe?
'Cause you aren't close, you aren't deep to me anymore.
Is it weird to say: 'Now I care'? You came to the shore of my heart.

You didn't know how I looked at you that day.
You were locked, your eyes were closed, gave nothing away.
And I couldn't see without the pain that made me cry,
But my message's clear: It's time to say 'Goodnight' and 'Goodbye' to my heart.

All you never did was open your eyes
And all I never tried was to say goodbye, Oh

Now all I know is
hate to see the love that goes dead in your eyes.
No one knows, no one sees, how could I describe?
'Cause you aren't close, you aren't deep to me anymore.
Is it weird to say: 'Now I care'? You came to the shore of my heart.


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